Balavihar Curriculum

Balavihar follows a graded series of comprehensive and structured curriculum based on Hindu scriptures. The following is the gist of the proposed curriculum.

Grade KG Alphabet Safari
Simple values like aspiration, brotherhood, cleanliness etc. are taught through animal stories and coloring. Through simple hands-on activities and demonstrations, children learn that just because something is not seen does not mean it is not there! Hence, the need to fix our mind.

Grade 1 Bala Ramayana
Children learn the story of Ramayana and learn to comprehend the values that Sri Rama lived by. Coloring and drawing scenes, and following the trails of Sri Rama’s journey with events and stories inspire and inculcate the imagination.

Grade 2 Sri Hanuman, The Super Superman
The metaphor for the text is, “Have a backbone like a ruler and rule the world.” Learn from Hanumanji the values like courage, strength, fearlessness, alertness, eloquence etc., as they are the vitamins that make our mental backbone strong; thus, develop a majestic personality like Hanumanji, Children also learn how through discipline they can earn merits in the world by studying Hanuman Chalisa and following its teachings. Children will do a project of the backbone of Sri Hanuman.

Grade 3 Bala Bhagavatam
Through the stories of different avataras of Lord Sri Visnu, children learn to own up their own actions, learn to ask for only what they need, and not necessarily what they desire. .

Grade 4 Krishna Krishna Everywhere and My Twenty-four Teachers
Grade 4 covers canto ten and eleven of the Bhagavatam. Canto ten is Krishna lila stories of Krishna. Through these stories children learn about sharing, self- discipline, and are taught to introspect and plot their observations on a daily basis. My Twenty-four Teachers start with the metaphor, “To succeed, one needs a coach.” And once the coach is valued, mind automatically learns from all. Thus, children are taught to recognize and have reverence’: for our teachers in nature. From Mother Earth, we learn the value of being patient, from mountains, to be steadfast, from an arrow-maker the value of concentration, etc.

Grade 5 Symbolism In Hinduism
Importance of symbols in life is. explained and how so many deities are the symbols of the one Lord, who pervades all and how these symbols teach us to live out life of harmony, .fulfillment, and happiness.

Grade 6 India, The Sacred Land
Why India is sacred? Our rich heritage and saints and sages are our treasure. What do we learn from our sages and our heritage, and how they contribute to our life of success is the core content.

Grade 7 P. O.Box Mr. God and Key To Success
These two texts have been developed from Ramacaritamanasa composed by Sri Tulasidasa, God, who is Omnipresent” where do I find Him in the world, what are His addresses? As the topic is taught, children understand that each one of us is His address and we can find Him within us, if We learn how to live out life full of love and kindness to all. Key To Success teaches children how to achieve success in the world by living a life that is rich in values. Emphasis is on the mind and how a disciplined mind achieves happiness and peace.

Grade 8 Yato Dharmah Tato Jayah
The main theme, as the title Yato Dharmah Tato Jayah suggests is to teach children that where there is Dharma, there is victory and to gain victory in life, one must follow Dharma. The text dives deep into teaching what is Dharma, how to live by Dharma, along with the story of Mahabharata and a comparative analysis of the main characters and their Dharma in the epic. The goal of life and how we are the architect of our own future is explained through the Law of Karma. Two unique activities-charting and keeping a vigilance of our speech, and setting Dharma Thermostat of different values-are done throughout the year to facilitate the learning of introspection .

Grade 9 Hindu Culture
The main message conveyed to children through this text is how they can live by the Hindu Sanskrti to reduce stress and tensions of life. What are the Hindu Samskars and how they are based ort Vedas and Upanishads; how by living them, they can accomplish the goal of life easily are dealt with in this text.

Grade 10 – 11 Bhagavad Gita
Children learn the first nine chapters of the Gita in 10th grade and the remaining nine chapters in Grade 11. Children are taught through flowcharts and other unique approaches, the logical sequence of the message of the Gita. “Holy Gita” by Swami Chinmayananda is the text used in the class.

Grade 12 A Manual Of Self-Unfoldment
A text, written by Swami Chinmayananda comprising the message of the Upanishad and the Gita. In all grades (Kindergarten-to Grade’ 12) the emphasis of the curriculum is on “the mind.” Just as we go to gym to tone our muscles of’ the body, to be healthy physically, these teachings, which are rooted in the bedrock of our scriptures, tone the muscles of the mind and intellect – i.e., they integrate-the human personality. A healthy mind; a happy mind, and a peaceful mind makes life meaningful and takes us to the highest evolution that man is capable of achieving in life. An integrated personality facilitates the Journey to the Truth to experience the Self worth.

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